
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

Privacy & cookies

This privacy and cookie statement relates to the website [cgv url] and the self-triage service of “Should I Go to the Doctor?”.

Privacy Statement [cgv afkorting_organisatie]

[CGV organisation] (hereinafter: [CGV afkorting_organisatie]) considers careful handling of personal data to be of great importance. In this privacy statement, we describe which of your personal data we process, how we handle your personal data and what rights you have in that context.

[CGV afkorting_organisatie] is responsible for data processing. In this privacy statement, we explain which personal data we collect and use and for what purpose. We recommend that you read them carefully. In our processing, we comply with the requirements of the privacy legislation. This means, among other things, that:

  • we clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data. We do this through this privacy statement;
  • we limit our collection of personal data to only the personal data that is necessary for legitimate purposes;
  • we first ask for your explicit consent to process your personal data in cases where your consent is required;
  • we take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and demand the same from parties that process personal data on our behalf;
  • we respect your rights, such as your right to access, correct or delete your rights.

Personal data and purposes

The self-triage service “Do I need to go to the doctor?”
When using the self-triage service “Do I need to go to the doctor?” (hereinafter: App), via our website you enter certain personal data and leave certain personal data. Because it concerns privacy-sensitive data, we believe it is important that we handle it with care.

When using the App, you fill in personal data about yourself or someone else for whom you use the App and a conclusion is given. The personal data that we process about you through this service are:

  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Your GP
  • Outcome of each triage (urgency)

Not in all cases the data you provide is personal data. An example of this is the fact that the App creates a UID (Unique Identifier for the device used). Nevertheless, we want to inform you clearly about what we do with your data. The information you have entered is necessary in the first instance to be able to answer the question ‘do I need to go to the doctor?’. Your gender and date of birth will be processed anonymously by the back-end of the App for the purpose of analyzing the use of the App. We can then ensure that the App works even better in the future and we can generate anonymous statistics. Your IP address is processed anonymously by the web server into a session number, so your personal data cannot be traced.

Your location will only be stored on the device you use to use the website and if you use the link with a map application (such as Google Maps) to get directions directly to your doctor. This data is not stored by us, but by the provider of the map application. We encourage you to read the relevant privacy statement.

Please note. If you have any questions about the outcome of the self-triage of the App or about whether you need to see a doctor, you should contact your GP or the out-of-hours GP service. You can therefore only report incorrect or incomplete data via the contact form and you can also request technical support. If you give feedback about the App, you are not supposed to send medical data that relates to yourself.


We invite you to leave feedback for us. If you accept this invitation, we will use your feedback, in combination with your gender and date of birth, to improve our services. We will keep your feedback for up to two years after you submit it.

Who do we share personal data with?

Providing information to others
Your personal data will not be shared with third parties for commercial purposes. Furthermore, [cgv afkorting_organisatie] may engage third parties in the context of the performance of its services. For example, the App is developed and hosted by a third party. Third parties are processors of [cgv afkorting_organisatie]. [CGV afkorting_organisatie] enters into agreements with processors to ensure that personal data are adequately protected by these parties.

Furthermore, [CGV afkorting_organisatie] will not provide your personal data to a third party that has not been engaged by [CGV afkorting_organisatie] to enable the intended use by the user, unless [CGV afkorting_organisatie] is obliged to do so by law, you have given your consent for this or [CGV afkorting_organisatie] has a legitimate interest in doing so. In the event of a suspicion of misuse of our website and App, we may hand over personal data to the legally competent authorities.

Third-Party Websites
This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites that are connected to our website and/or App by means of links. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. We recommend that you read the privacy statements of these websites before using them.

Security of personal data

We take appropriate security measures to limit misuse of and unauthorized access to your personal data. For example, we ensure that only the necessary persons have access to your data, that access to the data is protected and that our security measures are regularly checked.

Changes to our privacy policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy statement. It is recommended that you consult this privacy statement regularly so that you are aware of these changes.

Your rights

Rights of data subjects

You have the following rights:

  • Receive an explanation of what personal data we have and what we do with it.
  • Access to the exact personal data we have.
  • Correcting errors.
  • Removing (outdated) personal data.
  • Withdrawal of consent.
  • Restricting data processing.
  • Obtain your personal data in a digitally readable standard format in order to transfer it.
  • Object to a particular use.

[CGV afkorting_organisatie] will ask you to identify yourself before processing such requests. [CGV afkorting_organisatie] will inform you of its decision in writing within four weeks of receipt of the request. However, this period may be extended for reasons related to the specific rights of data subjects or the complexity of the request. If we extend this period, we will inform you in good time. To do so, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at [cgv fg_mail].

If you are not satisfied with the way in which we handle (a complaint about) the processing of your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority

Contact Details

[CGV Organization]
[cgv street name]
[cgv zip code] [cgv place] 
Chamber of Commerce number: [cgv kvk_nr] 

Cookie statement [cgv afkorting_organisatie]

This cookie statement was last amended on [cgv date].

[CGV Organization] (hereinafter: [CGV afkorting_organisatie]) uses cookies via [cgv URL]. In addition, it is possible that third parties who make functionalities available on the website also use cookies. In this document, [cgv afkorting_organisatie] informs you about cookies.

We would like to explain to you:

  • what cookies are;
  • which cookies we use;
  • that third parties may use cookies;
  • how to ask questions.

In some cases, personal data is processed through cookies. In our privacy statement you can read how [cgv afkorting_organisatie] handles your personal data.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a technique that collects and reads information from peripheral devices. In this process, a small text file is sent to your browser so that the browser is automatically recognized when you visit a website again. Cookies can collect personal data associated with the use of a website, such as which pages have been visited and an IP address.

If you do not wish to receive cookies at all, you can adjust the settings of your internet browser and block the setting of cookies completely. You can click on “help” in the browser’s menu to see how to do this for the browser on your computer. By deleting all cookies, it is possible that not all parts of a website will work. We use the following types of cookies:

Necessary & preferences cookies

These cookies are necessary for the performance of the requested service or the display of the requested website and its functionality. Examples of such cookies are load balancing cookies. These cookies are not stored for longer than the respective browser session. Server log files contain information such as your web request, IP address, and information about the browser being used, such as browser type, browser language, and the date and time of your request (log data).

Statistical cookies

This information is used to compile website statistics and to obtain a picture of usage and which third party websites link to our sites. We intend to use this data to locate/detect any problems with our server or other technical problems with the website and/or App and to detect misuse thereof, as well as to improve our services.

What cookies does [cgv afkorting_organisatie] use?

NamePosted byPurposeRetention periodAppropriate safeguards
Uuidv4[cgv afkorting_organisatie]This assigns a unique ID to your device, which allows us to see if you have used the App before.Until you empty your local storage in your browser.Only stored locally
_ga, _gat_UA-32193980-1 and Google Analytics _gidGoogle LLCGoogle Analytics uses cookies to help the website analyze how users use the site. The data in the cookies is anonymous and does not contain any personal data. The purpose of this service is to provide [cgv afkorting_organisatie] with a clear picture of visitor flows, traffic sources, page views, among other things.Per session and up to 2 yearsIt goes without saying that we have taken measures to minimise the traceability of visitors to our website. We do this by discarding the last octet (group of numbers) of each IP address in Google Analytics, so that tracking at an individual level becomes technically impossible. In addition, we have not allowed Google to use the obtained analytics information for other Google services. Google is Privacy Shield certified.
Cookie_notice_accepted[cgv afkorting_organisatie]We use this cookie to remember that you have given permission for the use of cookies.1 week
Google Tag Manager Google LLCGTM allows us to install and regulate tags on our website.Per sessionGoogle is Privacy Shield certified.

Third parties may use cookies

For example, you can use the link with Google Maps to get directions to the GP you entered. It is possible that the provider of this functionality places cookies for this purpose. This depends in part on how you’ve set your device’s privacy settings. [CGV afkorting_organisatie] has no control or insight into this, you should consult the privacy and cookie statement of the relevant provider for more information about this.


We use the reCAPTCHA service of Google LLC (Google) on our website to protect data transmitted through our website and to prevent spam. By indicating that you are not a robot, it checks:

  • how quickly the form is completed;
  • which mouse movements are made during the filling in;
  • the IP address of the person filling out the form.

For this purpose, the content of a message is sent to and processed by Google in a pseudonymised manner. Google is Privacy Shield  certified.